Design is solving a problem through a new/ revolutionary product, service, research or methodology. When the Palaeolithic man strategically chipped away the pieces of rock humanity entered the process of fashioning things for its needs and thus design led to modernity.
The problems of transportation, food security, health, sustainability, climate change all can addressed through a good design. Design also plays a role in decision making of a person.
Ex: A city like Delhi has space constraints and the air quality is worse. So to solve this problem we need vertical plantations rather shrinking the already crowed road, which can be done on pillars, buildings and vertical spaces. This would purify the air and simultaneously keep the room temperature under control.
Why to choose career in Design or Why to choose a Design career at all in India in 21st century?
Design is a booming career in the world as it is evident in mushrooming of new design colleges.
How Design career is different from other careers?
A designer is a person who is entitled to create things or ways (read: product & services), which people will love to use, keep, gift or visit consistently. For ex. A product (iPhone), service (applications like Instagram) and places or buildings like (a shopping mall, store or museum). That is why a designer is always keen in learning forms, behaviour of people, society, history, fine art and many more things. A designer is often an avid traveller.
A design career enables a person think and work open-mindedly.