BFA CUET: Common University Entrance Test (UG)
What is CUET?
- CUET (Common University Entrance Test) is an entrance exam introduced by NTA (National Testing Agency) under the Ministry of Education for admission into UG Programmes in all Central Universities. It has been introduced to provide equal access, a common platform and wider reach to Universities and affiliated colleges for all candidates appearing for University admissions.
Role of NTA
- NTA will look over the registration, conduct of the test, hosting and finalizing of answers, preparing and declaring results and hosting Score Cards.
- Merit List will be prepared by participating Universities and organizations. Universities may conduct individual counseling on the basics of the Score Card of CUET provided by NTA.
Examination Scheme
- CUET will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
- CUET will be Objective Type Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)
- CUET will be conducted in 3 divisions:
- Section 1: Languages
- Section 1 A: It will be conducted in 13 languages both as a Medium and Language. This is to be selected as per the eligibility criteria released by the desired university.
- Section 1 B: It will be conducted in 30 languages. This is similar as Domain Subject, i.e, if a student is applying for language specialization courses like French, Japanese, etc., then they will have to opt for the same.
- Please note, Language and Medium are not the same. The candidate must opt one language as the Medium of paper to write in for Section 1A. This must be determined as per the eligibility criteria released by the desired University of the candidate.
- Language for Section 1B, on the other hand, is a proficiency test in the selected language for a Language specialization course.
- It will not be bi-lingual paper.
- Section 2: Domain Specific Subjects: It will be conducted in 27 Specific subjects. For Domain Specific subjects which are multi-disciplinary, there will be 2 Sections. Section A will be Compulsory; whereas Section B will have more than one Sub Sections out of which students can choose more than 1 section depending upon the eligibility requirements of the desired University.
- Section 3: General Test
- Section 1: Languages
- Candidates can select Language/ Domain Specific Subject/ General Test or a combination as thereof as may be required for admission in desired course(s) for desired University(s). This will be determined by the course(s) opted by the student and University where admission is sought. Candidates must carefully read brochures of desired Universities before applying for CUET.
- Candidates can take a maximum of 9 Tests in the following manner:
- Maximum 2 Languages from Section 1A and Section 1B taken together, maximum of 6 Domain Specific Subjects; & General Test
- Maximum 3 Languages from Section 1A and Section 1B taken together; 5 Domain Specific Subjects, & General Test
- NTA will provide choice in all the Sections of the question paper, however, the number of questions will remain the same.
- The examination will be conducted in 2 or more slots on different days depending on the subjects/ tests taken by the candidates. It will be conducted in the following manner:
- Slot 1: It will be held in the morning and consist of 4 Test (1 Language from Section 1A; maximum of 2 Domain Specific Subjects from Section 2; & General Test from Section 3)
- Slot 2: It will be held in the afternoon and will consist of 5 Test, which can be attempted as follows:
- 1 Language from Section 1A or 1B; max. of 4 Domain Specific Subjects
- 2 Languages from Section 1A and/or 1B; max. of 3 Domain Specific Subjects
- Combining Slot 1 and Slot 2, a candidate can take upto 9 Tests.
- Admit will be issued provisionally by NTA through CUET website. The candidate downloads an Admit Card from the NTA Website.
- There is no age limit for candidates to appear for CUET entrance exams. Candidates must fulfill the unique eligibility requirement of desired Universities released by the same. Appearing for CUET and securing passing score does not guarantee admission to Universities.
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Syllabus for CUET
Case Studies
- Banaras Hindu University:
- Kala Bhavan, Shantinikeitan
BFA Entrance Exam Dates - Best reputed BFA colleges India with Admission form links (Tentative)
BFA CUET important Exam dates 2024
Important Dates and Fee Details for Common University Entrance Test (UG) - 2024:
Common University Entrance Test (CUET (UG) – 2024) will be conducted in 13 mediums across India for admission into the Undergraduate Programmes in Hybrid (Pen & Paper / CBT) mode for all the Central Universities (CUs) and participating Universities in India for the academic year 2024-25.