Sara Khan
Painting Portfolio
Sara Khan has enrolled for 1 year Fine Art program with iMADE. Her body of work is versatile. She explored many mediums and devised her personal Art style. A keen worker and perfectionist Sara is a promising artist.
Ujjwal Sharma
Design Portfolio
Ujjwal was preparing for NID and UCEED Entrance Exam. Ujjwal is more inclined towards problem solving designs, graphics and communication design. He is very much self motivated and try out different materials.
Taniya Kaushik
BFA Portfolio
Taniya was preparing for BFA Entrance Exam. She used pencil, watercolours, inks, colour pencils, technical pens to create beautiful artworks. Check out her portfolio.
Shubham Sagar
Architecture Portfolio
Shubham was preparing for JEE-B.Arch and NATA Entrance Exam at iMADE. He is philosophical and day dreamer. He combines present, past and future to create Architectural utopian scape. He is a researcher and idealist who likes to look for solutions.
Gargi Malik
One Year Diploma Program
Gargi is been a One year fine art diploma student with iMADE Creative Studio. She is dextrous and dedicated worker. She explored and excelled in art mediums like pencil drawing and shading, colour pencil, watercolour, oil colour and variety of styles ex. realistic, creative, surrealistic, abstract artworks.